Saturday, 15 November 2008

The Last Word.....

.........very simply is.........

Speak to you from New York.


Vince said...

wow that tour sounds amazing now i am officialy jealous

i have a bottle of the good stuff ready i wanna hear ever story and see all 2 k pics

Anonymous said...

It all sounds fab... while you have been soaking up the history and music, i have been taking your boy through walks in very muddy fields...i thought he was white when you left him... he now appears to be mud coloured!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ian,
Have finally managed to get some time on a computer and read your blog. Sounds great. Didn't realise you were such an Elvis fan, but I suppose someone has to be.
We are just holed up in rainy Northaland at the moment.
Have fab time in New York.
PS Loved the picture of your packing!!